Program to calculate Simple interest using scanf() function.

 /*calculation of simple interest, taking values from user*/


/*#include is a preprocessor directive and #include<stdio.h> is a declaration for printf() function*/

int main()        

 /*main() is a function or a cointainer for a set of statements*/


int p,n;       /*declaration*/

float r,si;    /*declaration*/

printf("input values of p,n,r"); 



//&(ampersand) is an address of operator, when we use &p we are telling scanf()at which memory location should it store the value.

   si=p*n*r/100;  //using formula for simple interest



//printf() displays output on the screen, %f is used to print real value, and \n takes cursor to next line.

   return 0;       

//as we are using int before main(), it return a value 0  



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